Motor Carriers and Owner Operators now have more opportunities to haul more loads. How?<br/>
Bear with me for a minute…
Motor Carriers and Owner Operators now have more opportunities to haul more loads. How?
Bear with me for a minute… All insurance is sold on the same Forms written & approved by ISO. The old way called the “Trucker Form” has now been replaced with the “Motor Carrier Form” or “Business Auto Form”. The major change is that instead of a claim automatically falling back to the Motor Carrier, it now falls onto the Owner Operator when “following the contract” between the MC & OO.
This means that an Owner Operator now has the option of hauling for more than one Motor Carrier if he carries his own $1 Million PRIMARY Liability. The Motor Carrier protects his interests by being listed on that Owner Operator’s PRIMARY policy as “Additional Insured”, and now has the option of contracting with more Owner Operators.
The Motor Carrier has shifted his insurance burden to the Owner Operator, true, but the Owner Operator now has more than one Motor Carrier to get him out of a dead zone if he chooses.
Some Motor Carriers love this new change; some do not and prefer an exclusive contract which should be respected at all times. The key is to READ YOUR CONTRACT, to make sure the Motor Carrier and Owner Operator are in agreement…contact me at [email protected] for more on the subject.