In these tight economic times, that’s at the top of just about everyone’s list – especially when you’re your own boss. Bolt Express understands that – and is proud to pass along a significant cost savings to its contractors.

In these tight economic times, that’s at the top of just about everyone’s list – especially when you’re your own boss. Bolt Express understands that – and is proud to pass along a significant cost savings to its contractors.

“With the help of Transport Insurance Agency, Sylvania, Ohio, we were able to negotiate a rate that can provide a major savings for our owner-operators,” said Mark Heiges, Bolt Express Recruiting Manager. “What this means is that our drivers can now benefit from a reduced rate in their physical damage policies – which means more money in their pockets.”

All owner-operators are required to carry up to a million dollars in non-trucking liability insurance (also known as bobtail insurance) along with physical damage insurance. “With the help of Transport, we were able to negotiate a significant discount for both of around 40% less than last year’s rates,” Heiges continued.“That’s a big difference.”

“Our contractors are mission-critical to our success,” said Ben Bauman, President & CEO of Bolt Express. “Without them, the products our clients entrust us to deliver on-time and safely wouldn’t go anywhere. We’re glad to have the opportunity to show our appreciation for the hard work they do for us.”

Appreciation for a job well-done – and a better bottom line. That’s just good business.

For more information about joining the Bolt Express team, call (800)545-4789 or visit